RESULTS – Autumn Working Test 11 September 2022 Held at Warren Road
Judges: Mr. John Keegan (B2858) Mr. Dick Hyde (NP)
Firstly, we would like to thank our Judges for giving their time freely to judge a very well attended day. To Mid-Sussex for the use of their ground and all of our volunteers. A special thank you also to Terry Steadman our commitee member who gave so much of his personal time in the weeks leading up to the test mapping out the route where the test could be run, to ensure all handlers and dogs had equal opportunities. We hope you all had a fantastic day and thank you all for supporting Kent Working Spaniel Club. We look forward to welcoming you at our upcoming Field Trials and next years Working Tests.
Congratulations to our WInners and All those placed in the Awards:
The results are as follows:
Novice A/V Working Test
20 Dogs Entered
Following a 2 dog run off for 1st Place
Ist Place: Fenogain Frank ESSD – Sire: Tailorsdrift Shadowland Dam: Tynywaun Chantelle – Owner/Handler Mrs. S Herd-Smith
2nd Place: Cherryspinner Breeze For Darkglass ESSB – Owner/Handler Miss. H Kemp
3rd Place: Gort Clara ESSB – Owner/Handler Mr. D Whittaker
4th Place: Willowbriar Winnie ESSB – Owner Mrs J. McSweeney-Atkins – Handler Mr. S. Atkins
COM: Syncerus Sassy ESSB – Owner/Handler Mr. P Rogers
Open A/V Test Results
13 Dogs Entered
1st Place: Moonreed Ugly Terri ESSB – Sire: Sherriemarsh Black Night Dam: Beechesblaze Papina of Moonreed Owner/Hander: Mr. H Martin
2nd Place: Valmorah Peaky Blinder ESSD – Owner/Handler Miss. F Winters
3rd Place: Jadenmoss Echo Echo CSB – Owner/Handler Mr. S Connor
4th Place: Shalloak West Frazier ESSD – Owner/Handler Mr. M Reader
COM: Bronberlain Neirin of Trogenvarn ESSD – Owner/Handler Mr. D Browne
COM: Gort Clara ESSB – Owner/Handler Mr. D Whittaker
COM: Buccleuch Quaver of Valmorah ESSB – Owner/Handler Miss. F Winters
RESULTS – Spring Working Test 10 April 2022 Held at Hatch Park -The Hon Michael-John Knatchbull
Judges: Mr. James Luxford & Mr. Lynden Jones (NP)
Firstly we would like to extend our thanks to everyone involved in making our Spring Working Test a huge success. We welcomed both Experienced and Novice handlers and lots of new members. Many who wanted to come along and watch a working test for the first time and were able to ask lots of questions. Our gratitude to The Hon Michael-John Knatchbull for his kind permission to use Hatch Park which is a phenomenal ground, our Sponsors Skinner’s who kindly make a generous donation to all our events, our Judges, James Luxford and Linden Jones who gave their time freely and stepped in to help at short notice, to Dick Hyde our Working Test Secretary who was instrumental in organising the event and welcoming everyone, all of our volunteers who again we could not run these events without and to all our handlers and dogs with who you enjoy and invest an incredible amount of time training. We really do enjoy such great turn outs and look forward to our Autumn Test later in the year.
Novice A/V Working Test
1st Place: JULZCRACKERS LITTLE SPROUT: ESSD 24.12.20 – Handler Mrs J. Cracknell
2nd Place: WYTCHROW PURE: ESSB 26.11.20 – Handler Mr M. Light, Owner Mr M Conway
3rd Place: FFYNONGAIN FRANK: ESSD 09.05.18 – Handler Mrs S. Herd-Smith
4th Place: CHERRYSPINNER BREEZE: ESSB 20.07.20 – Handler Ms H. Kemp
MADAM MORSE OF HARVEL: CSB 24.05.19 – Handler Ms J. McSweeney-Atkins
CHURAIL CHARISMA: ESSB 15.06.20 – Handler Mrs N. Hunter
Open A/V Test Results
1st Place: MOONREED RIPPLE OF SICARIO: ESSB 27.04.19 – Handler Mr M. Light
2nd Place: MOONREED UGLY TERRI: ESSB 28.08.18– Handler Mr H. Martin
3rd Place: MOONREED ZELDA OF TOPCOURT: ESSB 27.04.19 – Handler Mr T. Steadman
4th Place: PURLODGE WATERLOO WILLOW: ESSB 09.04.17 – Handler Mr R. Clark
GAGGLEBROOK BAY BREEZE: CSB 02.08.19 – Handler Mr D. Gosling
JULZCRACKERS MOANA: ESSB 25.04.19 – Handler Mrs J. Cracknell